Thursday, February 27, 2020

Chicano Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Chicano Culture - Essay Example It was the only instrument that was popular among the Chicanos in Texas in the last decade of the nineteenth century. Later on saxophone was also used by the conjuncto groups. The conjuncto style was considered similar to the norteno music which was common in Northern Mexico. Although initially the conjuncto style was popular among the Chicanos working class, it gradually spread to other regions of America and became well known among the non-Chicanos. (Castro, 63) The band concept was like a ritual process in the East Los Angeles and the eastside musicians satisfied the passion for music of the audiences. The eastside sound was formed with adopted genres like â€Å"rhythm and blues, soul, rock, funk, salsa and Mexican traditional forms†. Eastside music was influenced both by American and Mexican cultures. It was more popular among the â€Å"lowrider car clubs, street gangs and high school teens†. (Loza, 95) Narciso Martinez who was born in Mexico but grew up in Texas is known as the one who was gave birth to conjuncto music. He was a professional accordion player and he did his first recording in 1935. As the recording proved to be a huge success, its date is considered as the birth date of conjuncto music. Another popular contemporary accordion player was Santiago Jimenez who did his first recording of songs in 1936. (Castro, 63-64) The success story of the eastside music is of tragedy as musicians like Ritchie Valens who popularized Mexican rock and roll version with hits like Donna died early in a plane crash. Another important person was producer Eddie Davis who recorded eastside groups in the 1960s and 1970s. (Loza, 96) By 1962, eastside music was made popular in nightclubs by Davis and his partner Billy Cardenas. One popular eastside musical group was formed by Salsa brothers who sang Mexican rancheras and boleros in family reunions. (Loza, 96-97) Conjuncto music became more popular among the ballroom dance culture

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